You may remember that petition campaign we shared a few months ago to push Consumers Energy to clean up their 15-year plan. We’re delighted and proud to report that a diverse coalition of citizen advocates — including many of you — were instrumental in achieving that goal and shaping Consumers Energy’s plan in the direction of cleaner, green energy.
After more than 4,500 people submitted pro-environmental public comments to the Michigan Public Service Commission, the company adopted two important policies: it will close its coal-fired J.H. Campbell Plant no later than 2025 (15 years earlier than previously scheduled), and abandon efforts to acquire gas-fired plants owned by its parent company, CMS Energy. New plans call for the development of clean energy resources (including 8,000 megawatts of solar) that will help Michigan meet its carbon reduction goals and improve air quality.
Many thanks to all the activist organizations and individual advocates like you who made this victory possible. Using our voices and taking collective action gets results.
(Read more about this result here.)
